Letting go and accepting the inevitable

Over the decades, I have built up my specialist knowledge, the holding expertise, so to speak. First there were books, then commentaries and now a large database called Kanzleifachwissen24.de full of important specialist knowledge that is needed in law firms and legal departments. The old Kanzleifachwissen24.de ran on a system that was unfortunately no longer updated. It was still running well and my readers only received a new mobile version in December 2023, but due to unpleasant reasons and an annoying event, I decided at the end of June 2024 to rebuild Kanzleifachwissen24.de on my own and again in my own server area. However, before I could start the implementation, I went through a process of bitterness and disappointment, above all I was hellishly afraid of losing my expertise and my customers. I knew very well that fear is a bad advisor, but I couldn't get out of the negative vortex of thoughts. I even got so sick to my stomach that I had to lie down at one point.

As I lay there, once again pondering how I could get myself out of this mess, I finally remembered my years of work with the universe. So I said to the universe - as I usually do - that it should please help me in this really messy situation. I wished that Kanzleifachwissen24.de - as it is - would be transferred to a secure system and that this would be done in September or October 2024, shortly before a new Costs Law Amendment Act 2025.

You have to let go before you lose everything!

Suddenly my eyes fell on one of the books I had bought on Buddhism and I picked it up. It couldn't hurt to leaf through it. Somewhere in the middle of the book, I opened a chapter and began to read about letting go. As I read, my stomach gradually relaxed. At the end of the chapter, there was a summary that went something like this: 'If you hold on too tightly to the old, you can end up losing everything. I read what was written there again and again until I finally understood it. Suddenly my thoughts were free again, the fear vanished because I let go and accepted the inevitable.

But then something magical happened. As if automated, I jumped up and ran to my computer. And then everything happened very quickly, one thing led to another, I literally floated through my tasks, was clearer and more motivated than ever. And as it turned out (but that's another story), the unpleasant reasons and the annoying event were the best thing that could have happened to me in 2024. Thank you, thank you, thank you dear universe.

It was a lot of work and when I looked back later, I began to understand the extent of the whole redevelopment and conversion. I created 2,323 new article pages (top menu items, menu items, submenu items, article pages) and took over all the specialist knowledge. Tables, colors, spacing, footnotes, etc. had to be reformatted, I set more than 10,000 new links, integrated SEOs for the search engines, assigned new passwords, then entered all access data with expiration dates into the system, then emailed my readers personally, created new email addresses, entered specialist knowledge in both the old and the new Kanzleifachwissen24.de, answered specialist questions and did the usual office work, such as bookkeeping and invoicing.

For the new Kanzleifachwissen24.de I have had about 1,000 working hours alone and I am happy that I have been able to learn these works over the years. I am so infinitely grateful that it turned out as it is, that I can hardly describe it in words.

Please give me enough strength and direct and guide me, thank you!

I had also asked the universe to give me strength and motivation and, if necessary, to guide and direct me when I was on the wrong path. And it guided me and gave me powers that I didn't think were possible. Even though I sometimes thought things were wrong, they turned out to be right in hindsight. The universe knew better, because I had never made such a change before.

Even my broken toe was probably intentional on the part of the universe. Because we had such wonderful weather at the time that I would probably have planned a trip or two, as my home, the island of Rügen, is very beautiful. But with a broken toe, I couldn't do anything and was sitting at my computer in the best weather. As it turned out, this was necessary so that the takeover could take place on time.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear universe. LOVE

Have you ever had a magical experience? Have you ever been carried by a magical force without being able to explain it? I would be very happy to read your magical story or help you in any way, under a nickname (please read the blog rules). Or you can write to me via the contact form or by e-mail, also in the DU form. Thank you for your comment.

Sincerely, Konstanze, Prora in October 2024

Read more magical stories by Konstanze here-click.
The German magic story you can find here-click.

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Schön, dass Sie hier vorbeischauen. Es würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie mit Hilfe der Lieblingswebseite Kanzleifachwissen24.de, mit den süßen Glitzergimmicks und dieser neuen Halt-Webseite Ihre beruflichen wie privaten Glücksmomente fänden. Ich wünsche es Ihnen von Herzen. Das Leben ist zu kurz, als nichts von ihm zu verlangen. LOVE

Konstanze Halt,
Ihre Autorin u. a. von Die Praxis der Rechtsanwalt-Sekretärin, Der Große Halt und Kanzleifachwissen24.de
Auszüge aus www.kanzleifachwissen24.de/meinungen: 
„es macht einfach nur Spaß und ist das von Ihnen gewohnte Top-Niveau“ „welches uns schon oft geholfen hat“ „fantastische Arbeit“ „für Ihren tollen Support“ „grandios sind auch deine Ausfüllhinweise zu den neuen Vollstreckungsformularen, sehr sehr hilfreich“ „das habe ich alles noch nicht gewusst und ich lese weiß Gott sehr viel und auch Breitband“ „für Ihre viele Arbeit und die immer wertvollen Tipps bedanken“ „lesen immer wieder mit Begeisterung Ihre Rundmails“ „dass ich die Fragen und Antworten zu den neuen Vollstreckungsformularen echt toll finde“ „in letzten Jahren immens von der „Online-Bibel“ profitiert“ „jetzt kann ich eine Sorge für morgen abhaken“ „großen Dank für die Ausfüllhilfen auf den ZV-Formularen, eine enorme Hilfe“ „ich kenne Ihre sehr hilfreichen Praxis-Bücher noch von damals, unvergleichlich“ „Sie machen einen so tollen Job, der so hilfreich für unsere Arbeit ist“ „insbesondere die Neuerungen in der ZV und im RVG konnte ich großartig in meine ehemalige Stelle einbringen“ „Sie waren damals der Geheimtipp unter den Junganwälten, als Einzelkämpferin ist Ihr Angebot für mich einfach toll“ „bekomme immer eine hilfreiche Antwort, wenn ich Sie anrufe“ „refa-verständlich verarbeitet“ „bewährtes und qualifiziertes Portal“ „Kanzleifachwissen ist einfach nur wundervoll“ „Grandios sind auch deine Ausfüllhinweise zu den neuen Vollstreckungsformularen, sehr sehr hilfreich“ „ich liebe deine Plattform und meine Kolleginnen auch, selbst Chefchen guckt ab und zu mal über die Schulter, was "Konstanze" sagt :-)" „nach wie vor stets zu Seite stehst und uns fleißig mit Input fütterst!" „vielen lieben Dank für Ihre umfangreiche Ausarbeitung, Ihre Tipps sind sehr wertvoll, gerade in der ZV" „exzellente Arbeit" „schön, dass Sie durchgehalten haben" „was wären wir manchmal ohne Sie" „das gebündelte Fachwissen auf kanzleifachwissen24.de in Anspruch genommen, ausnahmslos alle begeistert, gerade unsere Auszubildenden...gut und vor allen Dingen verständlich erklärt"
Liebes Universum! Ich wünsche mir Frieden für alle Menschen und Tiere dieser Erde und Ruhe für die Natur. Ich wünsche mir Liebe für alle Menschen und Tiere dieser Erde und eine wunderschöne Zukunft. Danke!

Was kommen wird, wissen wir nicht. Ich finde jedoch, dass es sich schöner anhört und angenehmer anfühlt, von Lösungen zu sprechen, anstelle an Probleme zu denken. Ich liebe Lösungen.