Everything is possible, lesson learned!

I believe that anything you want is possible and if it is not, you have not concretized your wishes or it is not good for you.

Even as a young woman in 2000, my guiding principle was: “Anything is possible and any resistance reinforces my belief that I will soon be twice as successful.” After all, I started my own office and legal service as a paralegal at the age of 26 with debts of EUR 70,000. What's more, I grew up in the new federal states, or today they call it “East” again, without money or any Western wisdom.

So I caught up on everything I could according to my circumstances. I read a number of success books, went to motivational seminars even when I could actually afford them, even bent a spoon in a kind of trans state full of enthusiasm, ran over hot coals twice - yes, to prove to myself that I could be self-employed and successful.

At the time, I wrote my first non-fiction book about bullying because, unfortunately, this fate had befallen me as a young woman. Of course, I could have chosen a better title for the book, because “merciless success” really is an exaggeration. And the typos ... well, I was 26 years old and had to learn the author business first, writing and publishing everything on my own. Nevertheless, with this book I was able to help many of my law firm colleagues achieve success, some quit immediately and looked for another job, some were able to resolve unpleasant things with their families, some continued to pursue a wish, some got divorced and found a new love, some still have it in their closets. That's nice.

However, I was taught a lesson at a young age.

In a tenancy dispute, I could actually have won, at least according to my lawyer, who was representing me at the time.

Unfortunately, I lost the legal dispute. I packed my bag, quite devastated, my lawyer had already left and only the judge and I were left in the courtroom.

As I was about to leave, she said casually: “You see, not everything is possible.” I turned around and looked at her, puzzled. “Excuse me?” “Well, Mrs. Halt,” she continued, ”I just wanted to show you that not everything is possible. I've also read your bullying book and you say that anything is possible. I wanted to prove to you today that this is not the case.”

At the time, I didn't know what to say. She was a judge, I didn't have anyone else to hear it, only the two of us were still in the room.

I left the courtroom and was annoyed about it for a very long time.

Today I would thank her, look up at the sky and ask: “You're doing it, aren't you?”, knowing full well that everyone gets back what they give away. Not always in the same way, but they get it back.

May she be well.

There are no negative wishes associated with “You're already doing it, aren't you?”, rather it is a reassurance to yourself that the higher power has noticed this and will ensure that you can continue to follow your predetermined, positive path and simply forget everything that is useless. Provided you allow it!

And if I'm honest, I actually think what the judge said is a good thing today. Because if that hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have been able to write about it today. May she be well. LOVE

Sincerely, Konstanze, Prora in October 2024

Read more magical stories by Konstanze here-click.
The German magic story you can find here-click.

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Die beste Vorbereitung auf die Zukunft ist die, mit voller Begeisterung seine Arbeit von heute, auch heute bestmöglich zu erledigen. Das hilft, Sorgen und Nöte zu vertreiben. Ich wünsche mir, Ihnen mehr Freude ins Büro zu bringen und Sie immer wieder liebevoll daran erinnern zu dürfen, dass der wichtigste Moment JETZT ist.
Konstanze Halt 
Seit 30 Jahren arbeite ich als selbstständige Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin, Autorin und Referentin für 'die Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte und ihren Chef'.
Vorschau: Neue Gebührentabellen zum neuen KostBRÄG 2025 / Kosten- und Betreuervergütungsrechtsänderungsgesetz 2025 (ehemals KostRÄG 2025 bzw. Kostenrechtsänderungsgesetz) für mehr fachlichen Glanz auf Ihrem Schreibtisch
Motivation: Wenn du gerade schwere Momente durchmachst, dann glaube daran, dass sie bald vorüber sind. Alles, was einen Anfang hat, hat auch ein Ende. Nach jeder Wolke kommt wieder die Sonne zum Vorschein. Nach jeder Nacht kommt wieder ein Tag. Geht etwas zu Ende, wartet bereits ein Neubeginn. 

Kopf hoch, postitiv bleiben, lächeln und durch. LOVE