My legal assistant certificate and the universe

In 2021, I watched one or two videos about what would happen next with the measures, artificial intelligence and the world. At one point, a speaker casually said that we should strengthen ourselves now because the new era could mean that some things would be lost. That made sense to me.

So I spent some time in the evenings learning English vocabulary because I thought that English would be important in the future.

Suddenly I had a bad feeling. What if I lost my self-employment and had to work as a salaried paralegal again? I immediately instructed myself to put this negative thought to one side, because I loved my self-employment more than anything.

But this strange thought came back to me a week later. And then again three days later. Now I had to take a closer look at it, because if the universe reminds me so often, there must be something to this thought.

I thought about what would be needed for an employment relationship. A certificate!

“Phew, that's where the problems start!” I said to myself.

So I rummaged through my important “emergency folder”, but there was no certificate. Now I started to get anxious. I had never cared whether I had a certificate or not. I just kept on learning and building up something that was useful and gave me pleasure. My customers never asked me for a certificate either.

'What now? What if I did need it at some point?” my inner voice asked me.

I hastily rummaged through my subconscious for dates when I finished school. Luckily, I had a career history on my personal website that helped me with the dates. But the company that had retrained us as the first retraining class after reunification no longer existed - after all, that was around 30 years ago. Somewhere on a website it said that we should contact another vocational school. Unfortunately, no one there could help me either. A few days passed before I had collected all the negative rejections for my paralegal certificate. However, one email contained an important note that I should try the relevant bar association, maybe they still had something.

“Yes, of course! I could have thought of that myself!” I said happily.

So I immediately contacted the relevant bar association in mid-June 2021.

A nice lady from there called me back a little later and said that I was in luck, because for some reason she still kept the ancient documents from back then. “However, I have to find them for you this week because I'm retiring next week.”

It gave me goosebumps because I suddenly realized why the universe was so persistent in asking me to do something. If I had asked a few days later, I would probably never have been able to prove that I had ever learned the profession of paralegal. I sincerely hope that the woman can enjoy a magical retirement. Thank you so much for this - your magical help. LOVE

When the duplicate arrived, I filed it away in my emergency folder with a smile and a 'thank you' in the hope that it would stay there forever without ever being needed.

Sincerely, Konstanze, Prora in November 2024

Read more magical stories by Konstanze here-click.
The German magic story you can find here-click.

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Die beste Vorbereitung auf die Zukunft ist die, mit voller Begeisterung seine Arbeit von heute, auch heute bestmöglich zu erledigen. Das hilft, Sorgen und Nöte zu vertreiben. Ich wünsche mir, Ihnen mehr Freude ins Büro zu bringen und Sie immer wieder liebevoll daran erinnern zu dürfen, dass der wichtigste Moment JETZT ist.
Konstanze Halt 
Seit 30 Jahren arbeite ich als selbstständige Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin, Autorin und Referentin für 'die Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte und ihren Chef'.
Vorschau: Neue Gebührentabellen zum neuen KostBRÄG 2025 / Kosten- und Betreuervergütungsrechtsänderungsgesetz 2025 (ehemals KostRÄG 2025 bzw. Kostenrechtsänderungsgesetz) für mehr fachlichen Glanz auf Ihrem Schreibtisch
Motivation: Wenn du gerade schwere Momente durchmachst, dann glaube daran, dass sie bald vorüber sind. Alles, was einen Anfang hat, hat auch ein Ende. Nach jeder Wolke kommt wieder die Sonne zum Vorschein. Nach jeder Nacht kommt wieder ein Tag. Geht etwas zu Ende, wartet bereits ein Neubeginn. 

Kopf hoch, postitiv bleiben, lächeln und durch. LOVE