Please an apartment on the Baltic Sea with floor-to-ceiling windows. Thank you!

The universe is pretty accurate.

Two wonderful neighbors around here, a very lovely couple, had a problem with their underfloor heating. The wife rang my doorbell and asked me if I had the same problem. My heating was working perfectly. However, as our heating in the house had already broken down several times and we had had to manage without heating for six days, I had stored an electric radiator. I then took this to their apartment so that they could get their apartment warmer.

I was then invited in and we chatted over a glass of red wine about the magical things that had happened to me, especially in recent years.

The man then said that it really is amazing how things fall into place. I asked what he meant by that.

He said that they had once wanted him and his wife to live near the Baltic Sea when they retired. She then formulated this wish in her diary. Over time, they forgot about it.

But then came the coronavirus era and they changed their minds. The new home office option allowed them to work from home and from their apartment on the Baltic Sea. So they rented an apartment here in Prora. Basically, this is nothing out of the ordinary; many people use the home office option in different ways.

Nothing special so far. But now comes the extraordinary!

Now, in the Prora blocks right by the sea, there are apartments with normal windows and balcony doors and apartments with floor-to-ceiling windows only. She then went on to say that they had already moved in when she happened to look in her diary.
She could hardly believe what she used to wish for. It said that she and her husband wanted an apartment on the Baltic Sea with floor-to-ceiling windows when they retired. She loved floor-to-ceiling windows.

Floor-to-ceiling windows - that's exactly what she unknowingly got.

Now, after so many years, the universe has granted her wish. They have been living in an apartment on the Baltic Sea with floor-to-ceiling windows for some time now and are happy.

I think it's a wonderful story. I am very happy to have met these people.

The universe does indeed fulfill our wishes exactly. We should therefore pay very close attention to what we say, what we think and what we wish for. And especially in this day and age: what we focus on.

Sincerely, Konstanze, Prora in Dezember 2024

Read more magical stories by Konstanze here-click.
The German magic story you can find here-click.

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Die beste Vorbereitung auf die Zukunft ist die, mit voller Begeisterung seine Arbeit von heute, auch heute bestmöglich zu erledigen. Das hilft, Sorgen und Nöte zu vertreiben. Ich wünsche mir, Ihnen mehr Freude ins Büro zu bringen und Sie immer wieder liebevoll daran erinnern zu dürfen, dass der wichtigste Moment JETZT ist.
Konstanze Halt 
Seit 30 Jahren arbeite ich als selbstständige Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin, Autorin und Referentin für 'die Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte und ihren Chef'.
Vorschau: Neue Gebührentabellen zum neuen KostBRÄG 2025 / Kosten- und Betreuervergütungsrechtsänderungsgesetz 2025 (ehemals KostRÄG 2025 bzw. Kostenrechtsänderungsgesetz) für mehr fachlichen Glanz auf Ihrem Schreibtisch
Motivation: Wenn du gerade schwere Momente durchmachst, dann glaube daran, dass sie bald vorüber sind. Alles, was einen Anfang hat, hat auch ein Ende. Nach jeder Wolke kommt wieder die Sonne zum Vorschein. Nach jeder Nacht kommt wieder ein Tag. Geht etwas zu Ende, wartet bereits ein Neubeginn. 

Kopf hoch, postitiv bleiben, lächeln und durch. LOVE