Please let me speak better English, thank you!

It was Christmas 2023 and I was in a vacation cabin in Sweden with my little one. Sweden is a great place to learn English. The people there are not only welcoming, but also speak wonderful English, some as if it were their mother tongue.

As a child from the GDR, I only had Russian at school and only shorthand at vocational school. Languages were only introduced later. Although I learned vocabulary from time to time via YouTube, books and audio books, I quickly realized that it wasn't much use because I didn't have anyone to talk to.

So I've wanted to improve my English for a long time. But in Germany I've only been asked for directions once so far and that was pretty easy, namely from Prora Block III to Prora Block IV.

Then the universe helped, in Sweden - and how!

It was on Christmas Day when I spent the evening wishing harder for the universe that I could speak better English. I probably overdid it with my wishing, feeling, seeing and believing that I would speak better English. In any case, I had several great opportunities to do so the next day.

In the morning I met my favorite Swedish neighbor, who had a friendly chat with me in English. Then I took my little dog for a walk through the forest and met the German Shepherd Dog Man, a Swedish man with a German shepherd dog, with whom I had another chat in English. Afterwards, I did some work and thought about the beautiful weather. It was so lovely, we'd better go for another walk before it rained again.

So my little dog and I went on the big forest-lake loop, which you could either walk backwards through the forest and along the lake or the other way round and covered several kilometers. Because of the muddy ground, I decided to take the forest path first and walk backwards along the lake.

That's what I wanted to do anyway, but when I got to the end of the outward path and was about to go down to the lake to walk back to the house, two people came towards me. The woman waved her hands and said something in Swedish, he joined in. They both pointed at her shoes and mine. As we approached, I asked: “English or German?” And they both said “English” almost simultaneously and smiled at me in a friendly manner. They explained to me in English that I shouldn't go down there to avoid getting my shoes dirty, as it was very muddy. I thought, why shouldn't I go down there, shoes can be cleaned again. But I soon realized how well they spoke English, better than anyone I had ever met in Sweden. Their expressions were so confident and clear that I understood them perfectly. I immediately thought of my wishes and the nudges that the universe sends out and offered to walk with them back to the village, the upper path.

We immediately hit it off and I told them about my desire to learn English better. They slowed down their pace and talked to me about God and the world as if it were a matter of course. It took us 1.5 hours to cover a distance that would normally take 30 minutes. They talked so much about themselves, their German friends, who sometimes came to visit and they spoke English, about their parties together and about the current situation in Sweden, about their jobs, in other words all sorts of things, that I was really happy about how much they challenged me.

When we said goodbye, there was a photo and a warm hug. I was so shaken up that I first had to digest what had just happened. What a wonderful experience!

Sleep was out of the question that evening. I was still thinking about what they had said that night. Had I really understood everything correctly? Was I able to express myself properly? I went through the whole conversation again and again, my body was literally shaking from all the information in English, my head was spinning. I was so happy to have received so much input.

It really was quite a lot of English all at once that day!

Maybe it was too much English at once. But wasn't that what I wanted? Isn't that exactly what I wanted from the universe? The universe did nothing but deliver. I didn't give the universe a restriction. I didn't say: please give me just one easy English conversation. Rather, I wished to learn to speak English have to give the universe precise instructions on what you want. Otherwise, you can't complain when you receive deliveries that are just as you ordered them.Thank you, dear universe, for these great experiences. Many thanks to these two nice people.

And once again the universe helped, again in Sweden!

The universe delivered after that too, it was mid-June in Sweden again. Saddened by an unpleasant professional event, I went into my garden and watched the countless bumblebees collecting their nectar from the many small yellow lawn flowers, for which I always set the lawnmower to the highest setting so that they could stay there for my bumblebees. Then my eyes fell on an elderly lady with a dog who was looking over at me from the campsite next door. She stood there and looked at me. I greeted her in a friendly manner and looked back at my bumblebees. But something drew my gaze back to her, she was still standing there and continued to look over at me. Then she gave herself a jolt and - as she came towards me - she asked in Swedish if she could come to the fence. I said “Yes, of course!” and also went to the fence. She quickly realized that she couldn't speak Swedish to me, I understood a few things by now, but unfortunately the language doesn't suit me at all.

We started to talk. She asked me why I was looking at the ground like that, but then also noticed the many bumblebees. It turned out that she used to be an economist, but found the job boring and went on to become an English teacher. This job then took her all over the world, where she worked as an English-Swedish teacher. Now she was back in her house in northern Sweden, retired so to speak, and was now traveling around her own country. We talked for over an hour and it was a blessing. In the end, we both thanked each other for the great conversation, me understandably more than her, and after we said goodbye, I couldn't help but look up and - once again - thank the universe. Not only did it send me a great English-speaking conversation partner, but it also distracted me from my worries about a professional problem. But that's another story, in which the universe was heavily involved.

After we said goodbye, I couldn't help but look up and - once again - thank the universe. Not only did it send me a great English-speaking conversation partner, it also distracted me from my worries about a professional problem. But that's another story, in which the universe was heavily involved.

In Prora I met Swedes, Danes, Czechs, Poles and an American

Even when I was back in Prora, I kept meeting people from different countries, such as the Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden or Poland, and once even someone from America, with whom I could speak English. Just a bit of small talk, nothing more, but it was nice.

I hope it continues like this and that more people come into my life with whom I can speak English. Let's see what happens. 🙂

If you have also been able to improve a language with the help of the higher power, please write your story here in the blog. I look forward to reading your magical story, preferably under a nickname (please read the blog rules). Or you can write to me via the contact form or by e-mail, also in the DU form. I look forward to seeing you.

Sincerely, Konstanze, Prora in October 2024

Read more magical stories by Konstanze here-click.
The German magic story you can find here-click.

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Die beste Vorbereitung auf die Zukunft ist die, mit voller Begeisterung seine Arbeit von heute, auch heute bestmöglich zu erledigen. Das hilft, Sorgen und Nöte zu vertreiben. Ich wünsche mir, Ihnen mehr Freude ins Büro zu bringen und Sie immer wieder liebevoll daran erinnern zu dürfen, dass der wichtigste Moment JETZT ist.
Konstanze Halt 
Seit 30 Jahren arbeite ich als selbstständige Rechtsanwaltsgehilfin, Autorin und Referentin für 'die Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte und ihren Chef'.
Vorschau: Neue Gebührentabellen zum neuen KostBRÄG 2025 / Kosten- und Betreuervergütungsrechtsänderungsgesetz 2025 (ehemals KostRÄG 2025 bzw. Kostenrechtsänderungsgesetz) für mehr fachlichen Glanz auf Ihrem Schreibtisch
Motivation: Wenn du gerade schwere Momente durchmachst, dann glaube daran, dass sie bald vorüber sind. Alles, was einen Anfang hat, hat auch ein Ende. Nach jeder Wolke kommt wieder die Sonne zum Vorschein. Nach jeder Nacht kommt wieder ein Tag. Geht etwas zu Ende, wartet bereits ein Neubeginn. 

Kopf hoch, postitiv bleiben, lächeln und durch. LOVE